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HemoCue error CODESHemoCue Hb 301 error codes
HemoCue Hb 201 error codes E02
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HemoCue Hb 201 service Manual
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If you are unable to resolve the problem by following this Trouble Shooting Guide,. please contact HemoCue Inc. The analyzer has no serviceable parts.
1. Light blocking item in the cuvette holder. 1a. Check that the analyzer and microcuvettes are used according to the HemoCue Hb 301 operating manual.
How do you clean a HemoCue machine? Clean the Hemo c C ue 201+ case each day of use with a clean cloth which has been dampened with a mild disinfectant lcohol ( non-phenolic) ethanol or isopropyl alcohol) or a mild soap solution . Allow the disinfectant 1-2 minutes contact time. Wipe off the disinfectant with a damp cloth. Use no abrasives at any time.
Troubleshooting Guide . The HemoCue® Glucose 201 Analyzer with plasma conversion provides laboratory quality analysis of glucose in whole blood, easily,
1. Unstable blank value. The analyzer might be cold. 1. The battery power is too low. The absorbance is too high. 1. Light blocking item in the cuvette holder..
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Hemocue troubleshooting handbuch
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Hemocue troubleshooting manually
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