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    YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Minutes of the 24 th Executive Committee Meeting dt. Enzyme Stabilized Lateritic Soil . Appointment on deputation basis to the posts of Director . Agenda for the 13 th Executive Committee Meeting dt. PART II ANNEXURES TO ACCOUNTS MANUAL OF PMGSY . You have already flagged this document. Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean. The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. Are you sure you want to delete your template? Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads . Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads . Guidelines for Appropriate Technology for App. List of MORD and MOSRTH Publications App. However, at that time separate specifications were notavailable forthe low volume rural roads. Followingthistechnical experts as well as the programme managers felt that therewas a consequential need torevise the Quality Control Handbook. Accordingly, the work of revising the handbook was entrustedto theIRC which constituted a group of experts headed by Shri S. AdditionalSecretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Theothermembers of this expert group were Shri D. This revised version of the quality Assurance Handbook for ruralroads does not restrict itself to qualitycontrol only. It haswidened the scope by adopting the principles of quality assuranceas laid down bythe IRC. II covers the equipments and test procedures. Unlike the earlier practice of seekingquality control only duringconstruction, this handbook recommendsexercising quality control at three stages at the stage priortoconstruction, during the construction phase and quality checks bythe field engineers after completionof each stage of construction,which is termed as stage passing. A number of carefully thoughtoutDos and Donts for each activity and item of work have also beenprescribed for the guidance ofusers. Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi. Iwould like to express my sincere appreciation to theIRC, themembers of the expert group for their painstaking efforts, to allthe members of the peer reviewgroup for their meticulous andmethodical scrutiny, and to all the participants of the nationalworkshopwhich was held in April 2007 for their valuablecontributions. I do believe that in the implementation ofPMGSY insubstantial measure. A good road network has an important bearing on the economicgrowth of the country. RuralConnectivcity is perceived as one ofthe major component in increasing the agricultural outputandearning capacity of the rural population. There is a markedimprovement in quality of life by way ofbetter educationalfacilities, improved health services, improved attendance by theschool teachers aswell as students. Accessibility also providesimprovement in governance and provision of other facilitieslikepost offices, access to police in case of emergencies and othercommunication system like telephones. Construction of quality roads requires concerted efforts on manyfronts, therefore, a three tier qualitymechanism has beenoperationalized under the programme. The second andthird tier ofquality mechanism provides for monitoring of qualityby the independent quality monitors at the StateLevel and at theNational Level. The PMGSY Guidelines provides that the NRRDA willissue generalguidelines on quality control and prescribe a QualityControl Hand Book to regulate the quality controlprocess at workslevel. Accordingly, a Quality Control Hand Book was brought out in2002. TheRural Roads Specifications provide formandatory testing of materialand workmanship and feedback of the field formations regardingthefrequency of tests indicated that there is a scope to revisitthese frequencies. The IRC was requested to review the content of Quality ControlHand Book with a view to includedetails about all the testsrequired for construction of roads and related cross drainage worksetc. It wasalso requested that the IRC may review the prescriptionof frequency of tests and examine whether theconcept of stagepassing may be introduced to ensure clear accountability. The IRCconstituted ExpertGroup headed by Shri S. Sharma, FormerDirector General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. TheExpert Group prepared the contents of the Handbook and based on thelevel of work and its utility,the title of the handbook was decidedas Quality Assurance Hand Book for Rural Roads. Gulati, Former Chief Engineer P. Shri Vidya Sagar Singh, Former Chief Engineer, U. The suggestions of members of Peer Review Committee and officersof NRRDA on the draft Hand Bookwere incorporated and final draftdocument was prepared. April, 2007 at CRRI to review of thecontents of Draft Handbook. Subas Pani, Secretary, Ministry ofRural Development inaugurated the Workshop and in additionto hisvaluable guidance about internalizing the quality consciousness, hementioned that enormousefforts have been made in preparation of theHand Book and it should b filexlib.
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